
Patrick Stewart could join Hugh Jackman in 'The Wolverine 3'

With 2016's X-men: Apocalypse being turned over to the youngsters again, we won't be seeing Patrick Stewart's older version of Charles Xavier. Fortunately, there are no shortage of X-men movies on the way for him to take part in, and apparently some discussions are underway for him to appear with Hugh Jackman in a sequel to The Wolverine. He tells Oregon Live...

"What I’m very excited about is that we have been talking about a Wolverine movie, which would team Hugh Jackman and myself together. Wolverine and Professor Xavier. That would be a very different sort of ‘X-Men’ from the four movies that I’ve already done.”

How about an Xavier/Wolverine buddy comedy set in Madripoor? I'd pay for that.

Stewart reiterated that it's doubtful he'll be appearing in X-men: Apocalypse, but has gone back on his statements from a few weeks ago by saying that Ian McKellen's Magneto certainly will...

“Yes, I understand that it seems to be very unlikely that I will be in the next "X-Men" movie, which is almost getting ready to start shooting in Montreal, but Magneto, Ian McKellen, is certainly going to be in it.”

X-men: Apocalypse hits theaters on May 27th 2016, followed by The Wolverine 3 on March 3rd 2017.