
These Characters May Appear in the 'Deadpool' Movie and Beyond

The cast of 20th Century Fox's long awaited Deadpool film is starting to take shape around star Ryan Reynolds. Recently we've seen Gina Carano join as the mutant Morlock known as Angel Dust, and we also know that TJ Miller and Ed Skrein are aboard in unspecified roles. The mutant known as Colossus is also to appear, although it's unclear whether Daniel Cudmore will reprise the role. But now a casting call sheet has been discovered that gives some descriptions of seven other characters, while keeping their actual names hidden.

The call sheet surfaced under the title of WHAM! which is the "working title" for Deadpool at the moment, and as such none of the characters mentioned in it are going by their actual names. Of the characters listed, "Keren" is apparently the Angel Dust role Carano recently took. And according to Jeff Sneider over at The Wrap, TJ Miller is "Simon" while Ed Skrein is "Ridge". I'm expecting that Simon is actually Deadpool's best friend and weapons dude, Weasel, while Ridge is probably a villain, maybe T-Ray. Some think it's Garrison Kane, which also fits.  The role and a few others require "three sequel options" and others "three series options". What's the difference? Well, it could be a simple typo (doubtful), but it's possible Fox has plans to spin some of these characters into other franchises. That suggests these could be more important characters than just standard bit players.If that's truly the case, the natural place for them to land would be in an X-force movie, which you may recall was set in motion a couple of years ago with Jeff Wadlow (Kick-Ass 2) at the helm.

Here's the character breakdown in full:
[RIDGE] Any ethnicity, early 30s to early 50s. Big, muscular, dangerous, violent, vain, insecure and more than a bit of a dick…. but with a sense of humor. He is not a psychopath, he’s practical but morally neutral—he doesn’t enjoy torturing people, he just doesn’t care. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SEQUEL OPTIONS.

[LINDSAY] Any ethnicity, 20s, attractive and worldly. Smart, tough, beautiful but a little bit broken. Nothing has ever been easy for her and she’s developed a thick skin and cynical outlook. But she’s not a victim—she may not have a great life but she’s holding it together and does what she needs to get by. She’s got a great sense of humor but it leans heavily towards irony and sarcasm. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SEQUEL OPTIONS.

[SIMON] Any ethnicity, late 20s to early 40s. Quirky, great sense of humor. Smart, funny, but more than a little bit slippery. Fast talker, always looking to make a buck. He looks out for himself first and foremost, but reveals loyalty at the end of the day. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SEQUEL OPTIONS.

[SHIRLIE] African American, late 60s to early 80s. Worldly, great sense of comedic timing, sarcastic, dry, funny. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SERIES OPTIONS.

[KATHY] Any ethnicity, early to mid teens. World weary, great sense of comedic timing, sarcastic, droll sense of humor. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SERIES OPTIONS.

[KEREN] Any ethnicity, early 20s to late 30s. Serious, big, tough. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SERIES OPTIONS

[ALBERT] Any ethnicity, early 30s to early 50s. Big, muscular, dangerous. ROLE REQUIRES THREE SERIES OPTIONS
 Shirlie definitely sounds like Blind Al, who is an old lady Deadpool kidnaps and basically forces her to become his confidante. Lindsay sounds like she could be Copycat or possibly even Siryn, while Kathy could be Domino. It's hard to say, but expect some clearer information to arrive soon. The search is on for a female lead, likely the "Lindsay" role, and names such as Morena Baccarin and Taylor Schilling are up for it. Deadpool opens February 12th 2016 directed by Tim Miller.