
Watch Jon Stewart Announce His 'The Daily Show' Departure

Those who know me know I'm something of a political animal, and trust me when I say that The Daily Show was one of the places that fed my insatiable need for that knowledge. While Jon Stewart would argue against his place on the news landscape, the simple truth is that The Daily Show had some of the most pointed commentary on TV, and while there's definitely an argument to be made about a comedy show being more informative than actual news shows, it speaks to the dedication of Stewart and his staff over the last 16 years. So when we announced last night that he would be stepping down by the end of the year, I like many others, were floored.

And now today we can see Stewart make his decision official. It's an understandably somber piece of footage as Stewart tries to keep his emotions in check and still remain funny, but you can tell the audience reaction and the raw feeling of the moment were getting to him. You don't need me to run down all of the brilliant minds that have passed through The Daily Show under Stewart's watch (does anybody remember his predecessor Craig Kilborn anymore?), or the hilarious segments that have been produced. The Daily Show has broken news, caught politicians in lies, and other times exposed them for morons. We've seen Stewart grow from just a comedian on a nightly broadcast to one of the strongest voices in politics and an insightful commentator on the media as a whole.

Anyway, here's the footage of Stewart's announcement. Hopefully he'll take some time off, then maybe we'll see him doing something new in this same field. Or perhaps he'll go and make more movies? I think taking time off to direct Rosewater is what really has sparked this decision.