
Flash/Arrow Spinoff Adds Franz Drameh, Possibly to Play Cyborg

CW's The Flash and Arrow are speeding towards their season finales (*sniffle* Please don't go...), but fortunately for all of us there will be more DC heroes on the small screen. The Flash/Arrow spinoff series, which really needs a title soon, has cast a number of old favorites alongside a bunch of newbies and it's an odd mix of heroes and villains. What kind of team-up series is this going to be? That much remains unclear, but we do know one more role has been filled.

Edge of Tomorrow and Attack the Block's Franz Drameh has joined the series as Jay Jackson, a character a mystery character at this point. Based on his description he sounds a lot like Cyborg, though: a "former high school athlete, whose pro-career was derailed by injury. Now making ends meets as an auto mechanic, Jay will come to have a surprising affiliation to the S.T.A.R. Labs crew." Maybe changing his name is a way to differentiate him from the Cyborg set to appear in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice played by Ray Fisher?

Drameh joins Caity Lotz, Victor Garber, Arthur Darvill, Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell, Ciara Renee, and Brandon Routh in the series expected to air next year.