Sony may be pushing ahead on an animated Spider-Man film for 2018, but first the wallcrawler has a live-action date for Marvel's
Captain America: Civil War next year. A number of names have been rumored to play the high-school aged Peter Parker, and now
The Wrap says that list has been narrowed down to five.

Asa Butterfield, Tom Holland, Nat Wolff, Timothee Chalamet, and Liam James are said to be the final contenders to play Spider-Man. No offers are on the table yet and with plenty of time until the role needs to be filled it may be a little while before we find out anything definite. Then again with phony Spider-Man credits scenes already out there Marvel and Sony may want to get the casting over with now.

Each of these young men come with plenty of upside. Butterfield has franchise experience with
Ender's Game, and also starred in Hugo for Martin Scorsese. James was the heart and soul of the summer comedy
The Way Way Back; Chalamet is probably best known for his role in
Interstellar as the young Casey Affleck; and Tom Holland was brilliant in the disaster drama
The Impossible. Of them all, Nat Wolff may be the hottest right now. The actor recently starred in
The Fault In Our Stars and has a role in John Green's
Paper Towns coming up.
Whoever Marvel selects will also star in a solo Spider-Man film on July 28th 2017. Who do you want to see as the next Peter Parker?