
Don't Worry, David Ayer Says there are Still Plenty of 'Suicide Squad' Surprises

David Ayer has been more than forthcoming providing an inside look at his upcoming Suicide Squad film, dropping the biggest, most revealing photos himself. It was likely an attempt to get ahead of the scores of set photos that would eventually emerge, but if that were the goal it was a huge fail because it has, perhaps, been the most exposed production of the year. Everybody and their grandmother is snapping and posting photos of the Joker, Harley Quinn, and Ben Affleck's Batman (yes, he's in it too), ruining much of the surprise. Or...perhaps not. Ayer hit Twitter and assured fans that nothing of Suicide Squad has been spoiled by greedy photogs.

You know I don't have any particular fondness for set photos, so we've largely avoided posting them unless they're something really special and don't give away any key plot points. Let other sites do that. Hopefully, Ayer isn't just blowing smoke and a few shocks remain unrevealed. I choose to believe that he knows exactly what he's been putting out there for the public to see, and keeping secret the things he doesn't want known.

Suicide Squad hits theaters on August 5th 2016.