
Recovered Original 'Star Wars' Script Proves Who Shot First

Forget what we saw with our very own eyes, George Lucas wants us to believe that Greedo shot at Han Solo first. This Star Wars argument has been raging on forever, and frankly I've never understood it. The original film is clear that Han fired first, but Lucas' later versions switched that around to have Greedo fire the initial blast so that Han doesn't look like a cold-blooded killer or some ridiculous reason like that. Whatever his reasons, Lucas has stood firm on his decision, and the recent digital re-release of the film has kept the change in place.

Lucas has said Greedo firing first was always his plan, but that may not be the case. According to CBC (via ThePlaylist), the original screenplay from Star Wars: A New Hope has been found in the University of New Brunswick library. Dated March 15th 1976, a full year before the movie opened, it's believed to be the fourth draft of the script and features small changes like Luke's last name as "Starkiller" and the title of 'Saga I'. But the screenplay also confirms that, at least in this draft, Han was bustin' off shots before Greedo pulled the trigger.

Librarian Kristian Brown confirms it, saying, "I'll tell you one thing, right now. Based on the script, I can tell you 100 per cent, Han shot first."

Not that it matters because Lucas will never change it. And honestly, all this truly proves is that Lucas may have had a change of heart at some point.

While I'm thinking about it, does you know ANYBODY who likes the idea of Greedo shooting first? I've never heard anyone defend that side of the argument other than Lucas.