Ridley Scott's 'The Martian' Moved Up to October
Perhaps 20th Century Fox is tapping into the positive buzz from The Martian's first trailer because they've just moved Ridley Scott's film up more than a month to October 2nd 2015. Previously set to open on November 25th, the film will now open opposite Robert Zemeckis' The Walk with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Gerard Butler's sequel London is Falling. It's probably not lost on Fox that October 2nd is the same date Gravity opened a couple of years ago, and obviously that film did pretty well.
With The Martian moving up, Fox has also slid down Victor Frankenstein to occupy the November 25th spot. The Paul McGuigan-directed film features a Max Landis screenplay, with James McAvoy as Dr. Frankenstein and Daniel Radcliffe as Igor. It's an origin story that sees the two having a friendly relationship more than a master/servant one.