
Kate Winslet is Back in Fashion in 'The Dressmaker' Trailer

Kate Winslet and period dramas typically go hand-in-hand, but her most recent film A Little Chaos wasn't up to the actress' usual standards. It's biggest issue was a total lack of passion for anything but gardening, but in the first trailer for The Dressmaker, Winslet turns her passion to dressmaking...and revenge.

Finding romance with the much-younger Liam Hemsworth, Winslet plays "Tilly", a glamorous woman who left her small Australian home in disgrace, only to return years later and turns the town upside down. While the people gossip, including her mother (Judy Davis) who tartly calls her "a murder and a lesbian", Tilly gets a little payback by changing these women's lives for the positive. In one scene she transforms an ugly ducking played by Sarah Snook (Predestination) into a confident beauty. Sometimes a dress can make all the difference.

Directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse and co-starring Hugo Weaving, The Dressmaker opens later this year.