
A Pez Candy Movie is next to be Dispensed

While The Lego Movie is deserving of the huge box office it achieved and the critical acclaim it earned, it was obvious that its success would open a tidal wave of lame copycats. Now Hollywood is digging beneath the seat cushions to find literally anything they might be able to adapt for some quick cash. There's a friggin' emoji film coming, for chrissaakes, and that's only marginally worse than this latest idea to bring Pez candy to the big screen.

That's right, the little itty-bitty candy nobody would ever buy without those cool Pez dispensers is being made into an animated movie. Thank goodness, because the idea of real people slicing open their necks to reveal the stored candy is way too hideous. Cameron Fay, the guy burdened with penning a sequel to 2012's The Three Stooges, will also have to figure out how to make a Pez story that makes sense. Why not spare us the extra torture and combine both terrible ideas into one awful film?

Similar to Lego, Pez dispensers are often designed using popular characters from the world of comics, TV, movies, and more, but it remains to be seen if Envision Arts Media will be able to acquire the rights to use them. [Variety]