
Christopher Nolan's Next Film Set for 2017 Release

Christopher Nolan's latest film is already out there touring the country, and chances are you didn't even know it. It's the short movie Quay, a retrospective about stop-motion animation masters and twin brothers Stephen and Timothy Quay. It debuted last month and gets a home release next month. As for Nolan's next feature-length effort, that has remained a total mystery up to this point, but what we do know is when it will be released.

Warner Bros. has set a  July 21st 2017 date for Nolan's next film, and that's all anybody knows about it. The studio has been Nolan's home since 2002 when he directed Insomnia, and every film he's done since has been there, including the Dark Knight Trilogy and last year's Interstellar, which was a collaboration with Paramount.

So something to look forward to, and hopefully with this announcement some details will start to trickle out.