
Mark Ruffalo Teases "Great" Reason for Hulk's 'Captain America: Civil War' Absence

While fans have been speculating for months whether Mark Ruffalo would appear in Captain America: Civil War as the Hulk, it's been pretty clear that he won't. The ending of Avengers: Age of Ultron should have sealed the deal, as it would make no sense just to have him pop up again so soon, but the question has been out there nonetheless. In a conversation with BadTaste.it, Ruffalo confirms Hulk isn't going to show up for a while, but when he does it's going to be a big deal.

“The reason is too great to be revealed in this movie (Civil War). I was in the script but then they removed my character. They don’t want to reveal where is he and why. I don’t even know if Hulk will be back soon.”

So what does that mean? There have been rumors Hulk could end up in outer space fighting alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy, and that would certainly be an idea "too great" to be leaked anytime soon. James Gunn has shot down those rumors but things could have changed. Or perhaps it won't be part of a 'Guardians' sequel but part of a post-credits scene.

Even though Hulk won't be in 'Civil War', expect the destruction he's caused in the past to be part of the reason for the government registration program that drives a wedge between Iron Man and Captain America. Hulk's caused a lot of damage that the world can't continue turning a blind eye to. The likelihood is Hulk will show up in time to be a part of the fight against Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.

Captain America: Civil War opens May 6th 2016.