
Ridley Scott Says 'Prometheus' will Connect to 'Alien' in Future Sequels

The conclusion of Ridley Scott's Prometheus promised to expand on the robust themes the film introduced. As Scott recently revealed himself, he really hopes to explore the "engineers", the beings that are presumed to be the forerunners of all life. On paper it sounds too ambitious for one film to contain, but also like something that would take the story further away from his original Alien movies. Turns out we may see those movies connect at some point, but it won't be with the next sequel.

In a recent conversation with German site FilmFutter, Scott was asked whether Prometheus 2 would be connected to Alien, and he surprisingly admitted that they will, but not right away.

"Yes. But it won’t be in the next one. It will be in the one after this one or maybe even a fourth film before we get back into the Alien franchise."

So multiple sequels could be on the way assuming the next one does well enough. Where does Neill Blomkamp's Alien film fit into all of this? Will there be cooperation between the two? Scott seems to have a definite plan in mind for what he wants to achieve...

"The whole point of it is to explain the Alien franchise and to explain the how and why of the creation of the Alien itself. I always thought of the Alien as kind of a piece of bacterial warfare. I always thought that that original ship, which I call the Croissant, was a battleship, holding these biomechanoid creatures that were all about destruction.”

This is similar to some of the very early story ideas we heard for Prometheus that seemed to get lost in subsequent rewrites. Maybe it was just Scott putting them off until later and now he's circling back to them. And if he's really considering multiple sequels does he plan to direct them himself? Doesn't that seem like a waste of his skills at this point?

Prometheus 2 begins filming early next year for an expected release in 2017.