
John's Take: 'Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse'

The year was 2005, after the successes of Dawn of the Dead and Shaun of the Dead, it was widely predicted that the recent zombie fad was on its way out. Fast forward to the present. The Walking Dead is going strong into its sixth season and zombies are just as popular as ever…so much so that we have ventured into the land of Scout’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, if you’re still unclear as to what the movie is about the original title was Scout’s Vs Zombies…yup, that’s scouts as in Boy Scouts. Really that’s not as crazy as it sounds, if the dead begin to walk I have to believe that the teenagers who’ve spent their lives learning wilderness survival techniques are going to have a leg up on everyone else. Of course, I’m somewhat biased, as an adult I’m no longer embarrassed to admit that I am, in fact, an Eagle scout…but our camping trips were never this much fun. Scouts Guide follows three friends, Ben, Carter, and Auggie (Auggie being the chubby true geek of the group), as they head out to a camping trip at which Auggie is to receive his ‘Condor’ badge. Ben and Carter, who are only sticking it out in the scout’s for Auggie’s benefit, plan to skip out in the middle of the night and go to the “secret senior party” (yes, that’s the actually terminology used). As you can imagine things don’t go as planned and, thanks to an outbreak of Zombitis at the local science lab, people start eating each other causing the trio to team up with a former school hottie turned stripper (only former because she’s no longer in school, she’s still hot) and make it to the party to save Carters sister (who’s also Ben’s crush) before the military levels the town with airstrikes. Think that sounds nutty? Sure, but so nutty it might just work? Perhaps.

Yes, I know there was a high level of snark in that opening paragraph…re-reading it I started to believe that I didn’t like the movie. That was misleading, the movie is ridiculous there’s no doubt there, but it knows what it is and that, boys and girls, is what makes the difference between bad bad and good bad. The most surprising part of the flick was that they managed to do something different with Zombies, which is rare. So rare in fact that the biggest change to the Z-lore in the past 25 years was the viral zombies in 28 Days Later and the running zombies in Zack Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead. This movie adds something that, honestly, I’m surprised it took so long to try, leaving the dead with some semblance of humanity. It’s very slight, they are still mostly brain dead flesh addicts, but they seem to have just a bit of who they were…whether that translates to a zombie cop pulling his gun, the crazy cat lady next door continuing to bother you after she’s expired, or that crazy Britney Spears loving homeless guy remembering his favorite singer. It’s used mostly to cheap comic effect, which is not a slight by any means, some of the funniest moments of the film come via quick cheap laughs. Let’s not be all highbrow and act like a cheap laugh is any less funny then an intellectual joke, they can both make you laugh just as hard and that’s all that matters. That being said it still introduces the idea of zombies with some humanity left and that is a very interesting idea…wouldn’t it be a bit harder to stab your undead neighbor in the skull if he was still shaking his fist at you about stealing his paper like he did every other day?

For a group of mostly unknowns the cast is actually pretty solid with very few scenes that make the lack of experience obvious. There were a few moments that took you out of the movie but the script was more to blame than anything else, lines like “Scouts Forever!” and “Who are you?” “I’m a scout” (commence kissing) are really the only downside to the movie. I was actually really surprised by how many things worked. For instance there’s a scene involving a trampoline, a perilous escape and a zombie wiener…you read that right, zombie wiener. By all accounts that scene should have fallen flat but they were able to pull it off in a way that you didn’t just have a shock laugh when the scene started but rather a continuous 10 minute laughing session while the scene played out. There’s no really any truly negative things I can point out. If you watched the trailer…hell if you’ve just read the title and know what you’re in for then that’s what you’ll get.

I’ve actually heard rumblings of this flick becoming a new cult classic…I don’t know about that but it’s definitely a flick that won’t disappoint given that you know what type of movie you’re going to see. Scout’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse isn’t going to win any awards, launch any careers or be mentioned in the zombie documentaries for years to come, but it’s fun and really that’s all that matters. A 90 minute vacation from your brain that will keep you laughing and, believe it or not, actually give you quite a few jump scares. So if a flick in which a teenage boy scout feels up an undead, topless, cop doesn’t turn you off then this may be the lighthearted Halloween flick for you!

3 Out of 5 Guttenbergs