Directed by franchise editor Gregory Plotkin, this film centers on a new family, the Fleeges, who discover a video camera and a box of tapes. Peering through the camera lens reveals the paranormal activity happening around them, which will be captured in 3D, the first time it has been used as part of the series.
The latest footage doesn't reveal anything too markedly different from prior films, but why fix what clearly isn't broken? The only thing that could be a problem is the release plan which finds it opening in only 1350 theaters due to a new agreement Paramount made with AMC and Cineplex locations. The film will also get a digital home release a few weeks later, and not all of the major exhibitor chains are happy about it.
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension opens October 23rd, and if you're interested in seeing it early you can enter our screening contest here.