
New 'Captain America: Civil War' Images; Robert Downey Jr. Teases Spider-Man's Debut

How much of Tom Holland's Spider-Man will we see in Captain America: Civil War? Will he be involved in the dispute between Marvel's greatest heroes? Is he in the movie at all? Because we certainly haven't seen anything official yet while Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther was in the trailer. Continuing EW's revealing coverage of the film, they caught up with Robert Downey Jr. who had this to say about Spidey making his debut...

"[Don] Cheadle and I are just going, ‘Wow, dude, look at this. We’re now like the old guard, and our storyline carries real weight just because of our history in the [canon]. But we’re also looking around like, ‘Who thought that Falcon and Black Panther and Ant-Man and now Spider-Man…?’ I mean it’s like wow, this thing is just crazy.”

So at least according to him Spider-Man is definitely in, although Chris Evans blurs things a little by adding, "You never know with Marvel. Sometimes they shoot things and then don’t use them.”

Count on seeing the wallcrawler show up in Captain America: Civil War on May 6th 2016. Don't listen to Evans.