
Ava DuVernay Confirmed To Direct Disney's 'A Wrinkle In Time'

She may have turned down a shot at directing Black Panther, but that doesn't mean Ava DuVernay is against the idea of helming big studio movies. Just a few weeks ago she was in the mix to direct sci-fi film, Intelligent Life, from Jurassic World's Colin Trevorrow, and also Disney's adaptation of Madeleine L’Engle's "A Wrinkle In Time". It wasn't long after that she officially signed for the former, and now DuVernay is confirmed for the latter.

DuVernay will direct A Wrinkle In Time, which has a script by Frozen co-director, Jennifer Lee. L'Engle's award-winning book, the first of a series, centers on a young girl whose scientist father goes missing after working on a mysterious government project known as a tesseract. The search for him takes her on a journey across space and time.

While there's no set start date, it's expected to be next for DuVernay after she finishes up Intelligent Life, which shoots this summer. It will be interesting to see what a director of her skill can do with material that we've never really seen her work on before. [Deadline]