
'Deadpool' Is Slicing Up The Record Books

When 20th Century Fox decided to greenlight a Deadpool sequel before it had even opened, it was a pretty brave move considering they did the same thing with Fantastic Four. That decision obviously didn't pan out so well, but more Deadpool is clearly what everyone wants as the Merc with a Mouth is breaking records left and right.

Deadpool earned a chimichanga-sized $45.7M on Friday, breaking the all-time record for an R-rated film of any kind. What's more, it's also the highest grossing start for any of Fox's X-Men movies, so take that, Wolverine!!

It ranks as one of the 10 best opening days for a superhero movie ever, and is on track to hit $117M throughout the weekend. Including Monday's holiday, the film could take in as much as $130M. This is roughly twice as much as what analysts had been projecting. The takeaway? Sex and superheroes sell.

Ryan Reynolds has to be smiling right now as he pushed Fox for years to make Deadpool a reality. Now he's set his sights on an X-Force film that would likely feature Deadpool as a team member.  [THR]