
First 'Ghostbusters' Footage Asks "Who Ya Gonna Call?"

With a director like Paul Feig and a cast led by funny ladies Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon, the natural assumption is that Ghostbusters will be laugh out loud funny. And maybe it will be, but the images Sony has released have suggested more action than perhaps many might have expected. And now with the film only four months away, the tiniest bit of footage is being revealed and the tone could be a surprise.

A brief teaser has dropped to announce the arrival of the full trailer on March 3rd. With it come the first glimpses of footage which are pretty serious, at least when taken totally out of context.  Here's the synopsis:

"Thirty years after the original film took the world by storm, Ghostbusters is back and fully rebooted for a new generation. Director Paul Feig combines all the paranormal fighting elements that made the original franchise so beloved with a cast of new characters, played by the funniest actors working today. Get ready to watch them save the world this summer!"

It's kind of refreshing that Sony is making us wait for the trailer rather than starting early and releasing a ton of them like so many studios do.  Hopefully the wait is worth it. Ghostbusters opens July 15th.