Impressing many with her directorial debut, the high school drama Palo Alto, Gia Coppola proved once again that the filmmaking gene runs deep in her family. And now as she readies her sophomore effort, Gia has gathered a pair of big name actresses, including one screen legend, to be a part of it.
Jessica Lange and Naomi Watts are on board to star in an adaptation of The Secret Life of the Lonely Doll, Jean Nathan's book about best-selling author Dare Wright. Wright became a household name in the 1950s for her children's book, The Lonely Doll. Forty years later, Nathan searched for the out-of-print book series and found Wright living in a public hospital in Queens, New York. Nathan's book pieces together Wright’s bizarre life of glamour and isolation, and her struggle to escape her painful childhood through her art.
Merritt Johnson (Temple Grandin) is adapting the screenplay, and so far there's no word on when filming will begin. With Lange beginning a run on Broadway in the next few weeks it could be a while. Is it worth mentioning that both women were manhandled by King Kong during their careers? It's probably not relevant.