
New Amazon Trailer For 'Batman V Superman' As Early Buzz Trends Positive

Warner Bros. held the official world premier of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice last night, and while critics are under the strictest of embargoes for a couple more days, the early buzz (Slashfilm has compiled some nicely) from fans is overwhelmingly positive. This is obviously music to the studio's ears, considering rumors they were concerned about audience reaction to the film. And if the box office projections hold up, we could finally be talking about legitimate competition that could push Marvel.

From what I'm hearing the highest points of praise have been for Ben Affleck's Batman and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, which is important because both roles have been heavily scrutinized. If it turns out fans love their portrayals it will mean a lot moving forward into Justice League and the characters' solo movies.

For a little while longer the rest of us will have to wait to find out if all the hype is justified, but Amazon was nice enough to drop an exclusive trailer. At only a minute in length it's jam packed with superheroics, without giving too much away like some of the previous trailers have. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opens March 25th.