
Sony's Animated 'Ghostbusters' Finds A Director

Sony has big plans for their Ghostbusters franchise, stretching beyond Paul Feig's upcoming film. While it doesn't look like the collaboration between Channing Tatum and the Russo Brothers is going to happen anytime soon, if at all, there's still the animated movie which has been kind of flying under the radar. That film is definitely moving forward, with Sony hiring Fletcher Moules to direct it.

Moules isn't a household name by any stretch, but his work has been featured in commercials you've undoubtedly seen. He's the up 'n coming filmmaker behind those Clan of Clans video game commercials which try to convince you celebrities are playing it. They aren't. Here's one, just to get a look at Moules' skills:

So that may be similar to what his Ghostbusters would look like, or may resemble the old '80s cartoon. There's very little that's actually known about the film at this point, such as if producers Ivan Reitman and Dan Akroyd plan to place it within the same universe as Feig's film.

For now, take a gander at a new international trailer for Feig's Ghostbusters, which stars the apparently controversial cast of Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, Kristen Wiig, and Kate McKinnon. It's not in English, but there's some bits of new footage in there that probably won't change the minds of those who hate the idea of an all-female Ghostbusters, or those who feel Jones' character is being slighted. It's a trailer....chill out.  Ghostbusters opens July 15th. [THR]