
Flashpoint Is Here In 'The Flash' Season 3 Teaser

The world of The Flash is about to change in ways nobody could have predicted when season 3 arrives this fall. After Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) went back in time to save his mother, he triggered the "Flashpoint" timeline, and let's just say the status quo has been shaken to its core.

A teaser for season 3 has debuted at Comic-Con and there are some big changes in Central City. Barry's parents are alive, he has no powers, Iris and Joe have no idea who he is, Wally West is Kid Flash, and...oh yeah, Cisco is a billionaire. We also see a quick tease of Dr. Alchemy, who will be one of a pair of villains plaguing Flash this season.

The Flash returns to the CW on October 4th.