
Ben Mendelsohn And Jamie Dornan Get 'Untogether', Sanaa Lathan Joins 'American Assassin'

A promising new project that has emerged with the start of TIFF is Untogether, an indie film from author-turned-director Emma Forrest that is set to star Ben Mendelsohn (Forrest's husband, by the way), Jamie Dornan, plus sisters Jemima and Lola Kirke. The story follows a former teen prodigy (Jemima Kirke) turned heroin addict who has an affair with Nick (Doran) during the time she's sober and trying to be a writer. Nick is already a writer of some renown, telling stories of his battlefield experience. Lola Kirke plays Tara, Andrea's little sister whose stable relationship with the older Martin (Bendelsohn) is tested when she falls hard for a charismatic rabbi with a wider age gap. Forrest is probably best known for her memoir, "Your Voice In My Head" which is being adapted into a movie starring Emma Watson.  [THR]

Sanaa Lathan will play a CIA chief in American Assassin, joining stars Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton, and Taylor Kitsch. The Michael Cuesta-directed espionage thriller is based on the popular novels by Vince Flynn centering on black ops agent, Mitch Rapp. The story finds Rapp trained by a Cold War veteran, only to have the duo recruited by CIA Deputy Director (Lathan) to investigate a series of seemingly random attacks linked to a mysterious operative trying to start World War 3 in the Middle East. [Deadline]