
Re-Release Of 'Star Wars' Original Cut Probably Isn't Happening

Hey, Star Wars fans! I hope you weren't too excited about recent rumors the original trilogy would be re-released in its pristine, unedited form? Y'know, with Han shootin' first and all that? Well, it's not happening. This seems to always happen when one of these stories pops up.

According to The Digital Bits, which are pretty good at this sort of thing, what they've heard is that the new re-release would be the "most recent revised version", aka the special editions with all of George Lucas' edits. Ah well, and we thought things were maybe looking up because of the completed 4K restoration.

This year still marks the 40th anniversary of Star Wars and you can bet there will be some kind of updated re-release in theaters, but it'll likely be the version you don't want. Would that keep you away from theaters? Something tells me it wouldn't.