
The Academy Officially Apologizes For Best Picture Screwup

Depending on who you talk to, the Best Picture mix-up is either the worst thing ever and somebody's head needs to roll, or a whole lot of nothin' because it's just a stupid awards show for rich people. I think both of those ideas are pretty stupid. It was a mistake, that was handled with the kind of respect and grace we see too rarely nowadays. Let it go. There doesn't need to be a big sweeping investigation to single out who screwed up (although that's already happened, it seems); and absolutely none of this should take away from Moonlight's incredible achievement. But there does need to be an apology, and while PriceWaterhouseCoopers has already issued theirs, the Academy has now done so.

Here is their official statement, which is basically just their way of saying "sorry" and that they'll work to never have it happen again, a promise that can't possibly stand for eternity.

We deeply regret the mistakes that were made during the presentation of the Best Picture category during last night’s Oscar ceremony. We apologize to the entire cast and crew of La La Land and Moonlight whose experience was profoundly altered by this error. We salute the tremendous grace they displayed under the circumstances. To all involved — including our presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, the filmmakers, and our fans watching worldwide — we apologize.

For the last 83 years, the Academy has entrusted PwC to handle the critical tabulation process, including the accurate delivery of results. PwC has taken full responsibility for the breaches of established protocols that took place during the ceremony. We have spent last night and today investigating the circumstances, and will determine what actions are appropriate going forward. We are unwaveringly committed to upholding the integrity of the Oscars and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.