
David Lynch Insists He Is Finished With Making Movies

For a large group of cinephiles the highlight of this year will be the return of Twin Peaks, and naturally the return of David Lynch to the small screen. That said, none of us have seen him direct a feature film since 2006's Inland Empire, and during that time he's kept busy doing lots of other things that have nothing to do with making movies. With Twin Peaks now right around the corner, some may hope the process awoke a desire for feature films, but tells the Sydney Morning Herald that's not the case. He's totally done with movies.

“Things changed a lot. So many films were not doing well at the box office even though they might have been great films and the things that were doing well at the box office weren’t the things that I would want to do.” 

When pressed on if that means Inland Empire was his last movie, he replied with a simple, "Yes it is."

We see proclamations of retirement all of the time and they rarely stick, but Lynch may be one who actually goes through with it. He's a very creative guy and can find outlets for his many passions just about anywhere, just like he's been doing for over a decade. That said, there are more distributors and taste makers out there than ever who would be willing to finance the first film from David Lynch in more than ten years, and could allow him the freedom and budget to be happy about the process.