
James Cameron's New 'Terminator' Film Sets Summer 2019 Date

The future is now. Or more accurately, in the summer of 2019. James Cameron new Terminator film is coming sooner than any of us thought, setting a release date of July 26th 2019. Currently the only competition on that date is an untitled animated movie from Sony.

Cameron, who is going to be tied up with multiple Avatar sequels, will produce while Tim Miller (Deadpool) directs. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton have been confirmed to return as the T-800 and Linda Hamilton. If that sounds like a massive step backwards considering all of the movies since 1991's T2: Judgment Day, that's because everything that came after will be ignored. Only the movies directed by Cameron himself will be considered part of continuity. A young actress to take over as the new centerpiece female character will be cast, probably soon.

A writer's room led by David Goyer and Josh Friedman helped develop the story with Cameron for what is expected to be a new trilogy. Then again that is always the plan, isn't it? None of it matters if the first movie bombs.