
Netflix's Rings the Sleigh Bells with 'The Christmas Chronicles" Trailer

Pumpkin spice latte's and brown leaves...it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas season! I mean technically it's Halloween season but everyone seems to jump from that boat for Christmas as early as possible, and Thanksgiving? Don't get me started on the holiday that time forgot which should really be changed in name to "Big Overnight Sale and Battle Royale before Christmas"...Day. Any who, in addition to the 48 movies being produced and released by Lifetime this year Netflix is jumping into the Holiday movie fray with, what looks like, a pretty standard Santa Claus type movie starring Kurt Russel. It's that last part that really made me perk up, Santa movies are a dime a dozen but if you get the right guy in that red suit the result can be magical. Kurt Russel has been a Hollywood mainstay since he was a kid and is a icon in the industry, something he seems dead set on reminding everyone with the quasi-renaissance he's had in the last 10 years or so. He's got these accolades for a reason, Russell is and always has been magnetic, he has a earnest charm that's perfect for the role as Santa and damn can the man rock a beard.

The trailer doesn't give us too much about the actual story behind the film, other then to present a fairly standard "Santa teams up with a child" type situation. That being said what they do show seems like a lot of fun and definitely brings those warm and fuzzy yuletide feelings to your tummy. I mean, if Tim Allen could make a lovable Santa then Kurt Russell is going to blow us away. IMDb has a bit more to say regarding the plot:
"The story of sister and brother, Kate and Teddy Pierce, whose Christmas Eve plan to catch Santa Claus on camera turns into an unexpected journey that most kids could only dream about."
Check out the trailer below and look for The Christmas Chronicles to start streaming on Netflix November 22, 2018