
'The Craft' Reboot In The Works From Blumhouse And 'Band Aid' Director Zoe Lister-Jones

Blumhouse is hoping to get light as a feather, stiff as a board with a remake of 1996 cult classic, The Craft. If you grew up in the '90s chances are you remember the film, appreciate it, and are undoubtedly worried about what an updated version could conjure up.  Well, join the club.

However, there's reason for optimism. First of all, Blumhouse is pretty good at this horror thing. Second,Zoe Lister-Jones, who made her directorial debut with the terrific indie Band Aid, will serve as writer and director. I could easily see her taking on a role here, too, as a teacher or someone like that.

The Craft starred the heavenly quartet of Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Rachel True, and Neve Campbell as Portland teens who engaged in witchcraft. Not the bullshit witchcraft but the real Chilling Adventures of Sabrina type stuff. As the girls came into their powers, they began to use them to avenge petty grudges and make boys (in particular a dopey Skeet Ulrich. Skeet Ulrich was so '90s!!) fall in love with them. Ultimately, Balk's character went super dark and it was up to Tunney's character to take her down.

No word on a start date but Blumhouse might not want to fuck this up. Who knows what kind of evil curses could befall them if they did. [Deadline]