
The Carnage Runs Thick In Gory New 'Hellboy' Red Band Trailer

After Shazam and before Avengers: Endgame, there's Hellboy. The big red hero with the big red brick hand, giant flaming sword and attitude problem doesn't fit into the family-friendly realm like DC and Marvel's superheroes do; he's fucking brutal, and the carnage is unleashed in this final R-rated trailer just days ahead of the film's release.

“She is the Queen of Blood, and for good fucking reason" says Ian McShane's Trevor Bruttenholm just moments before we see Milla Jojovich's villain Nimue get her head chopped off. She returns, of course, because David Harbour's version of Hellboy needs somebody to fight in order to "save the world from fucking monsters."

Harbour takes over the role that Ron Perlman played to much love from fans in two movies by Guillermo Del Toro. Those earlier Hellboy films had a loyal, if not especially large, fanbase that had this reboot by Neill Marshall slogging uphill trying to win them over. I'm not convinced they've succeeded yet, but we'll see when Hellboy opens on April 12th.