
Punch Drunk Podcast: Episode #3

Episode 3 of The Punch Drunk Podcast has finally made it's way to American shores! On this week's episode:

1. A busy show as the guys take a hard look at yet another video game to be turned into a feature film, Mark Wahlberg's "Max Payne!"

2. 80's nostaliga for sex comedies is the hot topic as the guys review "Sex Drive!"

3. John is the only one qualified to review "Quarantine"; Trav sits on the sidelines and dreams of Sophia Bush.

4. The guys reveal long hidden details on the original missing "Third Episode" of the Punch Drunk Podcast, thought lost in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 but found complete with short review of "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist"

5. The DVDs that Matter to Us

6. News on Terence Howard booted off of Iron Man 2, and why Don Cheadle could never wear the War Machine armor.