
Fox2000 Picks up Narnia Franchise, Makes Same Mistake as Disney

"Voyage of the Dawn Treader", the third part of the Narnia franchise has found a new home at Fox2000 Studios after it was unceremoniously dumped by Disney a couple months ago. Disney parted ways with Walden Media after Prince Caspian lived up to the high expectations set by the success of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Fox is looking at a Christmas 2010 release for Dawn Treader. Now, this is the same mistake Disney made. Prince Caspian was a darker, somewhat more adult film, so shoehorning it into a Christmas release date didn't make a lot of sense. It was fine for the more religiously themed first film. Not ony that, but the competition around Christmas time is heavy, and with a franchise that is just trying to regain it's footing a later release is probably warranted. March or April is probably the best time to schedule a film like this. In my opinion, Fox is making a huge mistake. If this film fails to find an audience, consider the Narnia franchise dead and buried.