
A-Team Movie Refuses to Stay Dead, Bring Back Small Wonder Instead

I don't for the life of me understand who these people are begging for an A-Team movie, but whoever they are they must be happy because the project just won't go away. Now the Hollywood Reporter is..well, reporting that Joe Carnahan is set to direct the big screen version of the beloved 80's action series. Carnahan is probably best known for his 2002 film Narc, and his 2007 film Smokn' Aces.

Why won't it go away? The original series was fun if you were below the age of 10 or had the mental accumen of a doorknob. Look at what happened to the Dukes of Hazzard movie. Loved it as a kid, loathed it as an adult, and when I try to look at old episodes now on TNN or whatever that network is it makes me very sad indeed that I might have cried once or twice because I wasn't able to watch it. The A-Team is a concept that could work on it's own, but trying to emulate the core characters is a recipe for disaster.

I'm not at all enthused about Carnahan taking this on, either. Certainly he's ten steps ahead of the vastly overrated John Singleton. Singleton has been living off Boyz in the Hood ever since, with people all too willing to forgive him the series of stinkers he's produced ever since. Carnahan's Narc was a great film, but the only other directorial effort I've seen from him was the abysmal Smokin' Aces. He also wrote last year's Pride and Glory, which was unimpressive to say the least. Having Tony Scott producing the film means nothing to me. If he ain't behind the director's chair then who cares?

I got an idea. Since we seem to be on this 80's nostalgia kick lately, why not bring to the big screen a beloved(mostly) series that's just dying for a modern take: Small Wonder. Who could forget Vicky(V.I.C.I.), the lovable little robot girl built to pass as a family's real daughter, and her quirky attempts to fit in with society? Throw in Abigail Breslin in the starring role, Greg Kinnear and Toni Collette as the parents and you've got the breakout hit of the year, guaranteed $20 million opening weekend. Ofcourse they'd have to soup Vicky up a little bit, give her some cool new powers beyond the ability to parascope her neck like Inspector Gadget(I hated when she did that, it looked kinda gross) and they might want to throw in some sort of government conspiracy but that can all be worked out later.

Let's hope THAT is a plan that comes together. Later for that A-Team shit.

Update: The girl who played V.I.C.I., Tiffany Brissette, was just on the Mike and Juliet show like a week ago. And she's gotten to be pretty hot for a robot chick.