But lo and behold, not all is wrong with the world! The movie gods have seen fit to smile upon us here in VA this weekend, as Fanboys is showing at the Hoffman Center finally. This will likely be it's only weekend here, so you damn sure better believe I'll be there tomorrow morning if not sooner to catch it. Hopefully tonight, because tomorrow Hoffman will be full of people sitting through the all-day marathon of the Best Picture nominees, an event I always want to take part in but rarely do because I see everything long beforehand. Anyway, here's hoping Fanboys lives up to the expectations John and I have placed on it. I'm getting mixed signals about it.
On a slow week like this, even a movie like Fired Up looks vaguely appealing, at least in comparison to it's competition. The film stars Eric Christian Olsen, who has yet to prove to me that he's worth all the roles he's getting, and that annoying kid who played Claire's "boyfriend" on Heroes. I think he might've been in Election, too. Whoever he is, I find his face irritating and his voice grating on the eardrums. But Sarah Roemer on the other hand I can stare at all day. In fact, being that this is a movie about cheerleaders, it has the chance to sit in the vaunted Travis Hopson Wall of Cheerleader Cheesecake Films right next to Bring It On, Sugar and Spice, and Man of the House.
There isn't enough money in the world to make me see Madea Goes to Jail. I'm convinced now more than ever that Tyler Perry is turning his lynch pin character into a variation of Jim Varney's Ernest character. How long before we see Madea Joins the Army? Or Madea Goes to Summer Camp? I've been asked a million times why I loathe Tyler Perry films, and it's simple: The man is more than willing to sacrifice character in lieu of making a point or shoehorning a plot. I find his films to be trite, shallow, and decidedly unfunny. They place us(African-Americans) in a nice little box, and he markets the hell out of that little box. He's good at marketing. Not so good at writing. Or acting. People assume that because his characters aren't outright buffoons that his films are somehow better than the Soul Planes of this world, but they'd be wrong. His characters all fit a certain niche stereotype, and they do precious little to go beyond that role. Perry writes them as cookie cutter shapes. He knows that enough people will identify with such narrowly defined characters. He makes no effort to create uniquely defined characters. Even his flagship character Madea(she's no better than Mario or Sonic the friggin' Hedgehog) is a stereotype, with the exception that she's played by Perry himself, which I guess is supposed to be funny somehow but is really just creepy.

My hope is that Perry's films will eventually disappear and be quickly forgotten, but I know that won't happen. I long for the day when black directors with influence actually use their talents to make films that appeal to ALL people, and not just a specific fanbase. Like Spike Lee has done. And the Hughes Brothers. And even sorry ass John Singleton. At least they have broadened their horizons, and found a way to enhance the stature of their race by proving to everybody that they can create many different types of entertainment for many different types of people.
On a side note: Sunday is the Oscar Night Party at the Arlington Cinema 'n Drafthouse! John and I will be there, so if you happen to see our two ugly mugs drop by and say "Hi"! It's usually a fun affair, with plenty of movie geekery to be had, plenty of cool, autographed items up for sale, and lots of food 'n frosty beverages. I hope to see you all there!