This picture of Deadpool from the upcoming X-Men Origins: Wolverine is making me think that we may see Deadpool in his famous mask. Many comic fans were suprised to see that Deadpool was unmasked in all of the promo material for the flick. For anyone that doesn't know he wears the semi iconic mask to hide his disfigured face but the character is obviously not disfigured in the trailers or any set pics we've seen thus far. The above action figure does show Deadpool with some obvious scars on his face and body...however still no mask. This leads me to think that maybe they will show his disfigurement but will shy away from too much time in the mask since they hired a somewhat famous actor in Ryan Reynolds to play the part.
On another note....I'm wondering how real this picture is. Is that not the worst packaging you have ever seen for an action figure. It looks like the knock off GIJoe's that you could get from the dollar store.