Halloween the Rob Zombie remake was enjoyable. It didn't compare to the original but still....pretty good. My problems with H2 started with the title, unoriginal, lazy, and just down right stupid. They allready had Halloween: H20, and there's a god damned SUV called the H2, but whatever thats just a title. Then the trailer comes out and I'm floored by how far from right Zombie has gone with this flick. Now we have cutscenes showing Myers being coached by visions of his dead mommy....umm, sorry Robbie but I think Friday the 13th beat you to that motivational plot device by about 25 years. One of the main reasons Myers was creppy was that he killed for no apparent reason, not because he had schizophrenic visions of his mommy. We get it Rob, your edgy, you have your own style and MAN is it creepy, now go pound sand and stop f'in with great cinema. The icing on the cake comes today with this set pic of Micheal Myers.

....did I miss something, when he become a down on his luck heroin addict from NYC? What's with the jackets and all the layers...and WHY IS HALF HIS MASK GONE?!?!? This looks ridiculous, another main part of the MM creep factor was how plain and sanatized his look was, it's not hard, blue coveralls and a white mask..DONE. He in no way, shape, or form should resemble the guy who plays the milk crates on the corner of 14th and M. Damn You Rob Zombie...Damn you to hell.