Seriously, who greenlights this stuff with any hope of success? 20th Century Fox has decided that now, of ALL times, is the time to bring back the most infamous heel of the 1980's. No, not the Ewoks. Gordon Gekko, an iconic character who so perfectly modeled the greedy excesses of the time in Oliver Stone's Wall Street. Somehow, Stone has been coerced into directing the unwanted unnecessary sequel, creatively titled Wall Street 2. I'm not kidding. Michael Douglas is back too, I'm assuming signing on with a loaded revolver pressed against his temple. To make matters worse, it's going to star Shia Labeouf. He's not the bad part. It's the plot. Wrongly assuming that America LOVES greedy bankers and right now, Gekko is now going to be the tragic hero here, as he mentors Shia in hopes of one day reconnecting with his long lost daughter. What the hell?? It sounds like a bad joke, ore a belated April Fool's Day prank. But apparently they are serious. And to cap it off, Alan Loeb, the guy who actually managed to make me hate a film about Blackjack(2008's 21) is on script duty. Oh my God. Shoot me now.
Latino Review has the inside look at the script for this turd nugget.