Those of you who managed to sit through Wolverine without leaving, then managed to sit through the credit sequence might have caught a glimpse of a special ending set in Japan. One of the most popular Wolverine stories is the Chris Claremont/Frank Miller story that establishes the Canadien's ties to the samurai culture. It is an integral part of his character. I, unfortunately, didn't see this ending as I got the ultra-lame Deadpool ending. Well, apparently that scene in Japan was no coincidence, as Hugh Jackman and his partner at Seed Productions are already hard at work on a sequel which looks to be set in Japan. No writer has been attatched as of yet, but here's hoping that it's not the same two who wrote this latest piece of junk.
Well, beggars can't be choosers. While I appreciate the samurai stuff with Logan, I always felt it was a little out of place and never really meshed with his character. There are so many different interpretations of him that I think it's more important that the film franchise stick to a more solid, stable idea then bounce around to many different ones. I know that Hugh Jackman has a love for the character and the Japanese stories in particular, so I trust he'll do what he thinks is best. But after the disaster of Origins, my trust only goes so far.