
Shot of Perseus in Clash of the Titans remake!

It's possible that the original Clash of the Titans is the movie I've seen most in my life, not counting Empire Strikes Back. Considering that I saw it atleast three times in school, plus countless showings on TBS, my uncle shoving it down my throat on weekends(He would always yell "Unleash the Kraken!" at inappropriate moments). So not to say that I love the film, but I'm certainly familiar with it. Plus Greek/Roman mythology has always been something of a passion of mine. But I'm sensing something different with this remake, and maybe it's just me but i'm getting the same vibe I got when Troy was being made. It's almost like they're going for something grittier, more grounded, and maybe a bit less fantastical than I'm used to. It worked out spectacularly well for Troy, so we'll see how it works here. Just that shot alone has me thinkin' this is going for more of a God of War-type look. I gotta say I'm diggin' it a little.