Anyone who's been on a movie site probably has read a negative review about the newest installment of the Transformers franchise. To be honest, I can't comment since I haven't seen it yet though I will tonight. I'm sure it's not good...most action movies aren't good, they're fun, isn't that the point? Forgive, I just get a little bothered by all the internet trolls who take up virtual pitchfork and torch against every major movie that comes out which doesn't hit Dark Knight or Star Trek like expectations. People, it's a movie about gigantic freaking robots and explosions with a little sex appeal thrown in for good measure take it for what it is. Alot of people will disagree with me on this but whatever, apparently you still went to see it regardless of all the negative feedback. Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen has allready grossed 60.6 million and now holds the record for largest Wednesday opening beating out Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix. This simply validates my point that we all bitch about the things we like the most even if we won't admit it, and eye candy will always win out at the box office. Yeah the dialouge probably sucks, the story may be weak, and I have no doubt that it completely strays from the cartoon, but you know what? Optimus F'in Prime is fighting other gigantic robots with a freaking sword that shoots out of his arm...enough said. I'm in. Nolan OUT!