There's been a lot of talk about ol' Steve Rogers lately. Ofcourse those who follow the comic know he's been dead for about two years which caught a lot of people by surprise. But with news of the upcoming First Avenger: Captain America being in development along with news of Cap's return from the dead, the most iconic of all the Avengers is big time in the news. Remember those rumors about Will Smith starring in the upcoming Cap film as the first black Captain America(assumed to be Isiah Bradley)? Well, listen up to what Baby Boy himself has to say on the subject...
"The energy from Comic-Con really did something to me," Gibson said. "Instead of me sitting back and waiting on 'Luke Cage' to finally happen -- which I'm still looking forward to doing once they get the script together -- and instead of me waiting on 'Captain America,' which they were talking about me for, I'm going to create my own. And that's what I did."
Say what? Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis? They were talking to you about it? As what? The Falcon? No wait, even that's too good. As the Falcon's bone-headed brother? I'm at a loss here. Surely they weren't talking to him about playing Cap, right? Nah. Couldn't be. Nah. Uh uh. Atleast Tyrese has occupied himself with his own superhero project, but still.....nah.