Now this is more like it. I love the look of this poster and I love the synopsis even more. I've been waiting for the wisecracking smart ass Travolta to make a return since 'Face-Off', personally I think that's when he's at his best. Even if this ends up being standard as far as plot goes the promise of that version of Travolta coupled with cool looking John Rhys Meyers has me psyched. That and this type of movie is right up my alley, so without further ado here's the plot rundown from Lionsgate.
A low-ranking intelligence operative (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) working in the office of the U.S. Ambassador in France takes on more than he bargained for when he partners with a wisecracking, fast-shooting, high-ranking U.S. agent (John Travolta) who’s been sent to Paris to stop a terrorist attack.
From Paris With Love opens in theaters on February 19th 2010!