Ohhhh man it sounded soooo good in theory Stallone, Statham, Couture, Lundgren, Li, etc, etc., but would it be as good as it sounded? Based on this picture I'm going to say YES. Not only that folks, but we also have some footage from the movie that according to /Film was cut into a UFC promo for the upcoming Noguiera/Couture fight. This footage, although you can sense some bad acting, pays in full. It looks just like a action fest 80's testosterone spree, and might I say that I didn't realize just how mean Randy Couture looks? Check the mean ass elbow he throws down on the Texas rattlesnake himself Steve Austin. Not much outside of Couture footage here, but that alone, plus a look at that bad ass logo and this team photo just gets me more and more optimistic.
BREAKING NEWS: Bruce Willis now involved in what could be the coolest scene since John Matrix killed 129 guys without reloading. This quote from Bruce Willis courtesy of MTV NEWS:
The only thing he knows at this point is that his scene will involve himself, Schwarzenegger and Stallone together on camera. "That's the concept," he said. "That's the plan."