For our first installment of what will hopefully be a weekly series we've brought in a guest writer, so everyone give Angela a warm welcome and enjoy:

We all have movies that have influenced our thoughts in one way or another. Maybe you’re a cop because John McClane showed you what real manliness is suppose to look like. Maybe you’re the sarcastic one of the group thanks to Dr. Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters. Movies have the ability to shape so much of who we are. If we think about it…they can even shape our fears and NIGHTMARES!
I remember being just four years old and before going to bed rather than saying my prayers, I’d lay there and begin singing “One, Two, Freddy’s Coming For You.” Unlike many parents, mine decided that when I was four, I was old enough to watch whatever I wanted because I could tell right from wrong, or so they thought. I will never forget the first time I ever saw Nightmare on Elm Street and my reaction to watching Tina get slashed up while pinned helplessly against the ceiling of a room or seeing Glen (Johnny Depp’s first movie role) get entirely swallowed by his bed and then watch the bed spit up gallons upon gallons of blood. Of course, the reaction was of pure disgust, but at the same time I couldn’t keep my eyes closed, I was full of adrenaline, and on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie.
That very night you can bet your ass I had my very first nightmare. Did that stop me? HELL NO! It made me realize that I really enjoyed these types of movies. I immediately had the parents go and rent Freddy’s Revenge and Dream Warriors. Freddy Krueger introduced me to a whole new genre of movies, horror movies. I never thought that being scared would be so much fun and I owe it all to Robert Englund. If it weren’t for Freddy, I probably would’ve ended up the typical girlfriend who’d keep her boyfriend from seeing scary movies just because she’s too scared. Thankfully, I’m not. Unfortunately, nowadays, they don’t make scary movies like they used to (e.g. Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees). It’s all about gore. Freddy has been the only one successful enough to give me nightmares. To this day (22 years later), when I’m walking alone outside, I’m not scared or worried that someone may rob me…I’m scared that Freddy might be waiting for me around the corner. I guess he’ll be in my thoughts for the rest of my life.
You can imagine how excited I am for this new Nightmare on Elm Street to be released next year. Jackie Earle Haley has got some big shoes (gloves) to fill. At first I was against anyone playing Fred Krueger except for the one and only Robert Englund, but after seeing Haley as Rorschach in Watchman and seeing some stills from the upcoming film, I think he can pull it off, maybe even be creepier and scarier than Englund.
So now you know my deepest fear…why not tell me what movie changed YOUR life in ANY way, major or minor?