I know that if the apocalypse was coming? The first place I'd wanna be at is the local diner. That way if I'm gonna go out in a blaze of hellfire atleast I'll have a bite of lemon meringue on my tongue. When I first heard about the religiously themed action flick from first time writer/director Scott Stewart, it sounded promising. I had no idea it would look this good, though. The movie stars Paul Bettany as the archangel, Michael, who is the only one to stand alongside humankind when God finally gets sick our presence and sends his forces to do us in. Michael and a small group of people, including Dennis Quaid, Tyrese, and Charles "The hunt is on!!" Dutton are the only people who can defend a preganant woman amongst their group, whom they soon realize is carrying the second coming of Christ.
Legion is set to touch ground on January 22, 2010. Check out the trailer and let us know what you think.