Ever since James Cameron first his plans for Avatar Day, a day where milions of rabid sci-fi geeks would be able to catch the 16 minute trailer for his upcoming epic, I've been waiting not so patiently for details. Now we know that tickets for these special events will be available online starting Monday, August 16th. The events will be held at selected IMAX theatres across the US and Canada on August 21st. Interested fans, and there will be hordes of us, can simply go to the film's official site where they will given ticketing instructions and links to specific theatres hosting the events.
While most of the footage to be shown is from what was displayed at the San Diego Comic-Con, there is atleast one new piece of footage added on. Yeah, boy!
I've already got my alarm set to wake my punk ass up at midnight on Sunday night so I can be first in line to snag a couple of these badboys.
Avatar is due to be released December 18, 2009. Can't wait.