
'The Men who Stare at Goats' trailer--Hilarious must see!

I just got sent a trailer called 'The Men who Stare at Goats' a movie I had heard nothing about, needless to say I was a bit WTF, (if I may borrow the term from the Twilight fanbase), about it. So I hit play and who do I see but George Clooney and Ewan McGregor....ok, you have my attention, how'd I not know about this. As the trailer plays you find out it's a film about the "True" story of our governments attempt to train psychic soldiers, specifically Clooney's character who is the best of the psychic breed. Sounds serious and all sci-fi/X-Files like right? Wrong, it's hilarious! Clooney is always at his best playing the cool goofy guy, and if I'm not mistaken he's actually pulling off a Hitler 'stache in this one...no small feat. In all this trailer really makes me look forward to this movie if not just for the sheer ridiculousness of it all. I didn't even mention that 'The Dude' himself, Jeff Bridges, plays the hippie leader/trainer of the psychic soldiers. I'll reserve judgement on the movie, but this trailer is DEFINITELY worth a look. Happy Friday!