
Oh that Wacky Tom Arnold, Pulling our Leg About True Lies 2!

Somebody give that guy Tom Arnold something to do, okay? Isn't there a bad sports show he can co-host or something? Another celebrity he can marry and ride the coattails of? Tommy-boy has been spouting off lately about True Lies 2 and how it's going to start filming in 14 months! Really? If that happened I'd be one happy guy. I love True Lies. It's one of my favorite action films. But that crap ain't happenin'. Atleast not according to a certain Mr. James Cameron in a phone conversation with Ain't It Cool News's Harry Knowles...


Again, as always, thanks for checking the facts. I think Tom was joking. There are no plans for a True Lies 2. I don't know about the creative direction thing... I'm always down for a good action/comedy ( actually we always classified the film as a "domestic epic"). But since September 11, I've never felt comfortable generating laughs with nuke-toting Islamic fundamentalist terrorists. True Lies, even though it has a cautionary thread underneath the pratfalls, is in a strange way a product of a more innocent time.
But if we ever do another True Lies, I wouldn't dream of doing it without Tom. He's a good friend and a very funny guy.

Jim out

I hate you, Tom. Stop getting me all worked up! My personal belief is that somewhere down the line, this movie IS going to get done. I'm just not sure it's on the same timetable Tom Arnold's working on. It might not have Cameron as a director, either. Probably as a producer. But I think we will see a sequel at some point. I've got my fingers crossed.