
Ridley Scott Enters a Brave New World

Ridley Scott seems to be making a concerted effort to get back to his sci-fi roots. After just being confirmed last week to be returning to helm the next installment of the Alien franchise, now he's to be tackling an adaptation of Aldus Huxley's classic novel, Brave New World. The book centers around a dystopian future where the populace is drugged into living obedient, subservient lives in service to the government known as The World State.

Scott has been pursuing this project for nearly two decades, even at one point last year stating that he wanted to begin work on it sometime after completing Robin Hood with Russell Crowe. Scott will be joined on the production end by Leonardo Dicaprio, who is also the frontrunner to star in the film.

I'm just glad to see Scott making more movies like this and fewer A Good Years, although I'm one of the few who liked that film. Taking a look at his upcoming slate, Nottingham; Brave New World; Alien. That's a potential murderer's row of smash hits in the making, and I'm looking forward to all of 'em. Not sure how I feel about Leo starring, but I always say that when I see his name attatched to something I'm anticipating, then he always kicks ass. I don't know if anybody remembers the last Brave New World film from a few years ago that starred Leonard Nimoy, but it actually wasn't that bad. Obviously this should be better. It might be a problem if it ain't.